Teenage Relationship Abuse
Relationship abuse can happen to anyone at any age. If you suspect that your child is experiencing abuse in their relationship please click here to learn more about teenage relationship abuse and what you can do to help
You will also find out more information by reading this parent’s and carer’s guide to violence and abuse in teenage relationships
Locally, if you are a teenager experiencing relationship abuse or a parent/carer you can contact one of the following services www.nadasa.co.uk:
Useful links:
Northampton Women’s Aid
0845 123 2311
Eve (formerly Nene Valley Christian Family Refuge)
01604 230311
The Sunflower Centre
01604 888211
Serenity Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
01604 601713
Northamptonshire Rape Crisis (NRC)
01604 250721