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Kingswood Secondary Academy

Ofsted Good

Curriculum End Points (French)

Year 7;

- Greet other people in French 

- Ask and answer questions relating to their name, age, brothers and sisters and their pets 

- Say the colours in French 

- Say the numbers 1-30 in French 

- Say the alphabet in French 

- Have an understanding of adjectival agreement in French 

- Give and justify an opinion in French 

- Explain what activities they like / don’t like to do in their free time in French 

- Conjugate regular ER verbs into the present tense 

- Conjugate a small number of irregular verbs into the present tense 

- Say the days of the week and the months in French 

- Say the weather and the seasons in French 

- Describe what activities they do in different weather conditions in French 

- Describe and justify their opinions on school subjects in French 

- Describe their timetable in Spanish 

- Describe what facilities there are in their school in French 

- Describe their school uniform in French, including colour 

- Use ‘aimer + infinitive’ to give their opinion about sports. 

- Describe the name and age of our family members in French 

- Give physical descriptions of friends and family members in French 

- Describe the personality of friends and family members in French 

- Write an accurate, short paragraph of French from memory (~40 words) 

- Correctly understand short passages of written French on familiar topics 

- Correctly understand short passages of spoken French on familiar topics 

- Be able to say short answers to questions on familiar topics in French. 

Year 8;

- Say the numbers 1-100 in French 

- Describe their house and home in French 

- Describe what there is / isn’t in their town in French 

- Use the present tense to describe what they normally do in their town in French 

- Tell the time in French 

- Conjugate the near future tense in French 

- Use the near future tense to describe what they are going to do in their town next weekend in French 

- Describe a past holiday in French 

- Conjugate all regular ER verbs into the perfect tense in French to describe what they did on holiday 

- Conjugate irregular AVOIR verbs  

- Conjugate all ETRE verbs into the perfect tense 

- Conjugate a small number of irregular verbs into the perfect tense in French 

- Talk about what went wrong during their holiday 

- Asking and answering questions in Spanish 

-Describe what they do to celebrate festivals 

-Study vocabulary to buy food at a market 

-Use the present tense of IR and RE verbs in the present tense 

- Talk about Music in French 

- Talk about Cinema in French 

- Talk about New Technology in French 

- Talk about careers and future plans in French 

- Write an accurate, short paragraph of French from memory (between 40 and 90 words) 

- Correctly understand longer passages of written French on familiar topics 

- Correctly understand short passages of spoken Spanish on familiar topics 

- Give developed answers to questions on familiar topics in spoken French. 

Year 9;

- Give detailed descriptions of themselves, their family members, and their friends in French 

- Describe their relationship with family members / friends in French 

- Talk about going out and, make arrangements to go out 

- Describe an evening gone wrong 

- Confidently use a range of reflexive verbs in their own written and spoken French  

- Describe their view on marriage in French 

- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of new technology in French 

- Revise tenses such as the present tense, perfect tense, near future tense 

- Use the imperfect tense 

- Give detailed descriptions of their free time activities in French  

- Talk about food in French, including typical food and dishes from French-speaking countries.  

- Talk about festivals and celebrations in French-speaking countries 

- Describe in detail what they do for special occasions 

- Be able to confidently refer to past, present and future time frames in their written and spoken French 

- Understand what the perfect tense is, and how this differs from the perfect tense.  

- Higher-level pupils will also be able to use the imperfect tense in their own written and spoken French 

- Write accurate, extended French from memory on familiar topics (at least 90 words).  

- Correctly understand long passages of written French, containing both familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary. Pupils will use context to decipher the meaning of any unfamiliar vocabulary.  

- Correctly understand longer passages of spoken French, spoken at normal speed 

- Give increasingly extended answers to questions on familiar topics in spoken French 

- Describe a Photo in written and spoken French 

- Participate in a role play, on a familiar topic, in spoken French.

Year 10;

- Give extended descriptions on their town and region in French 

- Use the comparative in their written and spoken French. Higher-level pupils will also be able to use the subjunctive.  

- Recognise and understand the conditional tense. Higher-level pupils will also be able to use this tense in their own written and spoken French 

- Talk about charity and volunteering in French 

- Talk about poverty, homelessness and other social issues in French 

- Give extended descriptions of holidays in French 

- Be familiar with a range of higher-level structures and vocabulary in French, e.g. subjunctive and idiomatic expressions. Higher-level pupils will also be able to use these structures confidently in their own written and spoken French.  

- Write accurate, extended and sophisticated French from memory on a range of topics (between 90 and 150 words) 

- Correctly understand extended passages of written French containing vocabulary from a wide range of topics 

- Correctly understand extended passages of spoken French. Higher-level pupils will also be able to understand a range of dialects and accents from across the French -speaking world.  

- Respond spontaneously to questions in spoken French on a range of topics. 

Year 11; 

- Give detailed descriptions of their opinions on school subjects in French 

- Describe a typical school day in French 

- Describe the differences between school life in the UK and French-speaking countries 

- Give an extended description of their school in French 

- Describe what their post-16 plans are in French 

- Describe the pros and cons of going to university 

- Talk about careers and future plans in French 

- Talk about the environment, and other global issues in French 

- Write accurate, extended and sophisticated French from memory on a range of topics (150 words) 

- Correctly understand extended passages of written French containing vocabulary from a wide range of topics, including topics that they may be less familiar with 

- Correctly understand extended passages of spoken French. Higher-level pupils will also be able to understand a range of dialects and accents from across the French -speaking world.  

- Respond spontaneously to questions in spoken French on a range of familiar and less familiar topics.  

- Ask other people questions in a range of familiar topics in French. 


  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute