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Kingswood Secondary Academy

Ofsted Good

Course Information

Students will have four Mathematics lessons each week in Years 7, 8, 9, 11 and 5 lessons in year 10. The extra session in Year 10 incorporates GCSE Statistics.

The National Curriculum for Mathematics is divided into six areas:

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Ratio, proportion and rates of change
  • Geometry and measures
  • Probability
  • Statistics

We aim to ensure that students make appropriate connections between all these areas of Mathematics and that they are equipped to use and apply Mathematics in other areas of the curriculum as well as within the subject itself.

Key Stage 3

In Years 7 and 8, students will follow a programme of study based on the new National Curriculum for Key Stage 3 called White Rose Maths. The schemes of learning make sure topics are introduced to children in a logical order and revisited throughout the year to encourage deep learning and ensure children have foundation knowledge they need, before moving on to more advanced maths concepts and tackling more challenging number  problems.

During Key Stage 3 students will be taught in ability sets wherever possible. The structure of the course allows easy movement between groups and we review the setting arrangements at regular intervals. All students study the same area of mathematics at the same time, with teachers using day-to-day assessment to decide the depth of coverage for each topic. In early years of KS3, higher steps will be used to provide challenge.

Key Stage 4

During Years 9, 10 and 11 students follow a GCSE course suited to their ability level. Students are initially set according to their teacher assessment level achieved in the previous year. They are put into ability groups and follow the OCR GCSE Course. The OCR GSCE Mathematics emphasises and encourages competency to apply mathematical skills in a range of contexts, fluency in procedural skills, sound understanding of concepts and confidence in mathematical problem solving. It provides a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study.

The OCR GCSE Mathematics qualification will encourage students to develop a positive attitude towards the subject and recognise the importance of mathematics in daily life. Students will build on a sound base of conceptual understanding to apply mathematics techniques in a variety of authentic contexts.  It will provide a strong mathematical foundation for learners who go on to study mathematics at a higher level, post-16.

Key Stage 5

Our A Level syllabus fully prepares students for undergraduate study in STEM subjects. Mathematics at A Level is desirable for those wishing to pursue a career in Engineering, Data Science, Economics, Technology, Medicine, and Design. Simultaneously, mathematics is a self-contained subject that is worth studying simply for its elegance. While challenging at times, the study of mathematics can bring tremendous sense of accomplishment. Mathematics is an ideal subject for people who enjoy or want to develop their problem-solving skills and logical, abstract and analytical thinking.  

Students study Pure Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Mechanics in both year 12 and 13. We also offer AS and A level further maths for high calibre students wishing to study in-depth mathematical skills. In the first year of the course, students will further develop their algebraic knowledge and skills, introducing binomial expansion, Trigonometric identities, Vectors, Logarithms, Calculus, Hypothesis testing, Forces and Motion. Students will begin to transform real-life scenarios into mathematical models in order to solve complex mathematical problems. In Year 13, students will further develop knowledge and skills from Year 12 and they will study Sequences, Series and Parametric Equations, Normal distribution, Moments, Projectiles and Kinematics, with a greater emphasis on forming a mathematical model for real life problems and solving these problems using a range of techniques developed during the course with the aid of technology. The course is assessed through three examinations at the end of Year 12 and 13, accumulating all the knowledge and skills students have developed throughout the course.  


For all the classes in Key Stages 3 and 4 homework is set at least once a week. The teacher will set appropriate tasks to consolidate and extend students' knowledge and understanding of the Mathematics taught in class. Parents can help by checking planners and looking at the Academy website to ensure that homework is completed. The Mathematics department has access to My Maths which can be used for revision and consolidation as well as homework. Staff often set homework using My Maths.

Pupils in Year 11 are issued with revision material in electronic and paper form to help them prepare for their external exams. All students have access to MathsWatch and GCSE POD logins.


All pupils are expected to have their own calculator, a red pen, a black pen, a pencil and Geometry equipment. Calculators can be purchased through the Academy ParentPay shop.

  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute