Staff and Key Contacts
Please follow the links in this section to email these members of staff directly.
Head Of School - Matt Gamble
Senior Deputy Principal - Jon Lawson
Deputy Principal (Student Care) and DSL - Dan Scallan
Deputy Principal - Karen Martindale
Deputy Principal (Raising Achievement) - Amy Copland
Senior Assistant Principal (Student Care) and Head of KS3-Deputy DSL - Alex Bonner
SENDCo - Justyna Skorwider
September 2024 Heads of Year:
Year 7 - Josh Golding - Hayley Walker
Year 8 - Grant De Kock - Lesley Browning
Year 9 - Liam Feely - Liz Ward
Year 10 - Rhiain O`Malley - Glenda Forsyth
Year 11 - Ross Nightingale - Elaine Campbell
SHINE Learning Mentors - Thea Marshall / Donna McAllister / Katie Kibble
Head of Sixth Form - Ben Eley
Sixth Form Manager - Kaye Alexander
Careers Advisor - Beth Hardy
Pastoral Administrator - Kath Ford
Safeguarding Officer - Nicola McAlpine
School Counsellors - Caroline Wallace / Liz Hadrys
Teaching and Support Staff
Please see the attachments below to find a full list of teaching and support staff.
Teaching staff in bold indicate the Head of Department.