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We are all finding our way around the school now and working out how to make the school work to best effect. Here are a few reminders to help us make it work that little bit better.


Well done. You all look very smart in your new uniforms - and the Sixth Form with their new 'smart casual' dress code. Remember that you need to have your ties done up properly and your shirts tucked in. Once you are inside school, remember not to wear your outside coats or jackets and Sixth Formers need to remember the 'no hoodies' rule. A good start. Keep it up!

Arrival in the mornings

Please remember that you must arrive punctually. Lessons start at 08.40 and we want you in the classrooms promptly. When you do arrive at school in the mornings, please make sure that you make use of all the spaces that are available to you - rather than crowding in the Atrium. You can use the courtyard and the areas outside to the rear and the side of the school - and even the front concourse. However, you are not allowed to proceed to your classrooms or be in the classroom areas before the 08.40 bell.

Leaving school at the end of the day

The pedestrian gate adjacent to the vehicle gates will be locked at the end of school. This is to ensure that you use the two other pedestrian gates - at the Tower Hill end and the Danesholme end of the front of the school. Please also ensure that, if you cycle to school, you walk once you are inside the gates.

Walking on the left

Although we have much wider corridors than before, in the buildings and on the stairs you still need to walk on the left. This will help prevent some of the congestion that has occured.


The Atrium is obviously crowded at both breaks. The new caterers -TnS- are doing their best to get used to the way we operate our school day and to accomodate all students during those breaks. Please be patient! During your breaks, make sure you work out where you are going for the next lesson: don't wait until the bell goes to look at your timetable. It will help with congestion if you know where you are going and you know which is the best route to take to get there.

The Covered Courtyard

The same applies here really.  Currently, many students are making their way back into the Atrium at the end of break and making for their classrooms from there. There are four exits from the courtyard.

  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute